SAFEPACK VCI Aerosol spray is a specially developed multipurpose solution having hi-tech VCI chemicals (volatile corrosion inhibitors) dispersed in oil or solvent base.
- Offers protection to a wide range of ferrous and non-ferrous metals
- Mono-ionic VCI layer does not affect electrical /optical/mechanical surface properties
- VCI Spray protect metals from vapor actions.
- It has the property of neutralizing acidic radicals to a certain extent that may be adhered on the metal surface
- Protection lasts up to 24 months for internal storage and up to six months for external storage when parts are covered with a suitable secondary packaging material such as polythene, laminated paper, plastic container/bag etc.
- Designed for protection of internal as well as external metal surfaces
- VCI spray is miscible in petrol, diesel and other oils
- Does not require removal when starting operation of engines, machines etc.
- Provides continuous protection during machinery operation, standby or shutdown periods
- VCI spray has high thermal stability and performs even under high relative humidity
- Compatible with rubber, gaskets, oil seals, hoses etc. and most of the paints
- Effective in polluted and humid atmosphere
- Not harmful to humans and is environment-friendly
- VCI spray not require activation prior to usage
- VCI Aerosol layer is self-replenishing and replenishes itself when package is re-closed after opening for inspection or such other purpose
Safepack’s VCI Aerosol Spray is a solvent additive mixture powered with specially designed high penetrating VCI formulation in a slow drying solvent carrier. When sprayed, it forms a transparent molecular film that provides anti-corrosive properties in all environments.
VCI spray is an ideal rust preventer for closed systems like fuel tanks, storage tanks, gear housings, crankshafts, hydraulic reservoirs, metal containers, coolant circulating systems, transmissions, parts of diesel/petrol engines, steel parts etc. It provides protection to multi-metals (i.e. ferrous and non-ferrous metals). It is the most viable option where VCI paper, VCI Powder, VCI Tablets and VCI Oils cannot be used.